Sunday, October 29, 2023

Walk Softly

The Muse of the Day Walk softly on the warm earth, 
walk a narrow path; go through the narrow gate, 
a beautiful something is waiting.

Walk the narrow path; go through the narrow gate.  

Walk Softly beneath the blanket of stars. 


There was a time when the holy ones 

 walked among us, and the waters 

 ran fresh and clear; when the 

 fields were full of flowers 

 and honeybees. 


 There was a time when the air was fresh,  

and the skies were clear.  


Mankind has drifted afar: How long 

can he shut his eyes; his ears? 


Why did Mankind forget the dream? 

Forget his mother, father,  

brother, sister, neighbor; 


Mankind has drifted afar: How long  

can he shut his eyes, his ears? 


Man has forgotten the soft rains of spring  

Forgotten that young children need  

to run barefoot on the grass on  

lazy summer afternoons. 


You and I share the universe together 

Earth is where sacred things happen: 

 Heaven is all around us_ but who will 

 re-awaken man - remind him  

 of this 
Mankind needs to be reminded 

many times, in many ways,  
that Earth is the place  

where sacred things  



Walk Softly - 2014 

Rachel Wolff 


Photo Kiva, Canyonlands National Park, Utah  

Photo by Grant Collier 

Sunday, October 8, 2023


The Muse of the Day 
Life in the mid-1800’s 
1790 - 1865

Rural life in the mid 1800’s was lackluster, bordering on tedium and any opportunity to see something different was welcome. A special event ‘even one in their ‘own township range’ was always well attended. The entire week was always devoted to farming and farm chores and the evening was individually designed and filled according to the makeup and temperament of the family and their income.  

The class castes were gentry or working class or gentry and for ease and comfort one stayed in their own income community – the community where they fit in the best. In those days the welcome greeting was either “Howdy” or Good Day and men tipped their hats no matter if gentry or not, the hat was tipped. The shopkeeper or farmer addressed the gentry by ‘Sir’ and ‘Mam’ yet his friend was called by name. Men rode on a horse or mule or he traveled on a wagon or in a carriage or he walked. 

Perhaps he lamented the mode of his travel but this was the way most men, children children, and women traveled, and lamenting the mode of transportation got them know where and he was not the only one. 

This was a sign of the times, getting to the event was the goal. How they got to any event was dictated by their standard of wealth. But anything with wheels or four hooves was better than walking on your two feet; and much faster.

In rural America in the mid 1800’s men were out and about but the wife/mother had little chance of escaping domestic duties since women were the heart of the domestic scene. This was her lot yes this is what she wanted, if she chose her suitor wisely then she was content. If she made a mistake in her choice of mate she had few options. Divorce was possible but that would cost money - money she didn’t have. 

A man could divorce his wife if he chose to do so, but divorce was a rarity in rural townships. Women aged quickly in those times. She had a dress she wore for working on the farm and if she was lucky she had a dress for church. She didn’t paint her face or her nails; get a tattoo she didn’t buy perfume or shave under her arms or legs. A mirror was not part of the rural home décor. She was clean as she could be if she had access to a plentiful supply of water but there were no daily showers or long hot soaks in a bathtub. 

Her ‘monthly’ was dealt with in the way of the times. There were no patented pads in a box to be found on the shelf in the shop, she had no money to buy them if such things were available then, not in this era – she used materials at hand and dealt with it as best she could. And no matter if she had a mirror to see herself she would fit right in with the rest of her peers and so would he, his wardrobe was as limited as hers. 

The FARM was LIFE - everything they did was centered on the farm itself. Life was hard and harsh but she knew it would be and she went into marriage with her eyes wide open, she had to - there were few surprises for her. If he was lucky she knew how to cook, knit and sew. She knew how to do all the other household chores. When she married – she submitted for the most part since she had few ‘legal rights.’ She could not vote, she might have had an opinion but it did not matter. Women did not have the ‘right’ to vote. 

Even when she had a baby at her breast and a number of ‘Little’s scurrying around and for the most part she submitted when he wanted sex, saying no was unlikely and yes likely she wanted what he wanted and she had so little in her life she was willing to forget about the event happening nine months later and so she lifted her skirts and spread her legs, thinking – hoping ‘perhaps she would not conceive this time- perhaps;’ but If she did conceive she accepted this as the price for a moment of ecstasy. 

If there was a social event the women, even a mother with a baby went along to any event or she stayed at home. But likely she went along because going to any event at all was an opportunity to relieve the harshness and tediousness of her life. The young girls went because the young boys went. It was always a time for dreaming and looking. The infant went and grandma too, this was an opportunity for the women to gossip or exchange a clipping of a plant or learn a new knitting pattern. 

No matter the following day would be a variation of the previous day, week, month, or year. The younger men went because it gave him the opportunity to find a pretty girl, the older man went to see how well his neighbor’s crops were doing and/or to indulge in a measure of whiskey and/ or to hear the word of God depending on the event.

But no matter why he went he had to be up before or with the rising of the sun since the cows needed milking, the ground needed plowing, and water needed to be brought in for cooking, and a myriad of other farm chores needed to be done. The farm was a little god always demanding attention and tending and he better pay attention to it otherwise he and his family starved. 

The gentry may have gone to a restaurant for a meal on a rare occasion but this was an unheard-of unknown luxury to the rural farmer like my great-grandfather who likely only went into town to get the supplies he could not grow or manufacture on his own and while he was in town he learned the prices his crops would bring him at the harvest. He also learned the latest local or national news, he also found out who was sick or died. He learned what local illnesses were running rampant through his county. 

Cholera was rampant, measles, mumps, and chicken pox were deadly, and the mosquito which brought such deadly sickness- that damn little bugger!  

***The Challenge of Man: A man of color and a man with pale skin look into the same evening sky and both appreciate its’ beauty. Both men have that same thin vein of blood circulating through their veins yet men with pale skin planned for war to keep men of color in bonds and chains.


President Lincoln was the man of the hour, the man who faced the greatest challenges with his faith bolstered by his simple religion of the frontier. Life, every life in those times was simple, yet there was complexity within the simplicity. Life in those times involved clearing land, felling trees, and yes bartering whisky and grain either on the roadway or the waterways.  

Hiding from the tax man was also a way of life.  No matter what the status everyone met with the ‘tax man’ or hid from him. If he hid he lost everything and for a man who has nothing there is always something to be taken to be sold at auction to pay against the back taxes and it was. It might have been the ordinary like the milking stool or a chest, the clutch of hens the black kettle over the hearth, or the mule, the horse, or cow. Anything and everything was seized for auction to pay the back taxes. 

The meal of the gentry was consumed from a plate of china or pewter, while the meal of the ‘working class’ was consumed from a wooden platter or a bowl. What each man ate and when he ate was determined by another or when the chores were complete. 

Man survives in many ways.

There were many moral dilemmas to be encountered by both the gentry and the working class. One of those dilemmas Lincoln encountered along the road to the presidency was the institution and face of slavery. Lincoln had the temperament for the Presidency. He was a man of firm, solid, and steadfast belief in his religion yet he was congenial and socially minded he understood the essence of harmony. He was ‘sensitive’ to many persuasions that swayed politicians.  

Sages v Tin Gods -- War - Oligarchy

The Muse of the Day  10-08-2023
Sages v Tin Gods
War - Ogliarchy 

The wisdom of the sages reveals many wonderous things: Spiritual truths are mystical and magical.  Spiritual truths are soft and warm. They warm the heart; and soothe the soul. Stronger than steel and strengthen the spirit.  Peace, the sages say, is created within the heart.   


The world, if showered with compassion and wrapped in a blanket of love and kindness could be a beautiful place for everyone.   


'Earth is the place where sacred things happen, this is the only planet where people dream; live, love, and die. Earth, the pale blue dot is the only place in the universe where man witnesses a baby's birth; hears its first cry; and listens to the mother sing a sweet lullaby.'Carl Sagan 


What makes a house a home? A home is what we create with our hearts, what’s created inside is the place we want to return to at the end of the day. We need that comfort and safety. We need the warmth that’s created from our love, our passion, our joy.  


 What about love? love has within it a redemptive power. Love, you see is creative and redemptive, and this is why Jesus says love—love means respect... There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. Hate demolishes, and leaves desolation, but love recovers, and redeems. “Hate is destructive.” Martin Luther King Jr.,  


“Should the lamp of religion be obscured, chaos and confusion will ensue, and the lights of fairness, of justice, of tranquility and peace cease to shine. ~ Bahá’u’lláh. Religion should never obscure the light of justice and tranquility.  


At no time in history have citizens lived without suspicion, fear, animosity, and greed. Many people believe the strength of their nation lies in the strength of their military.  This is not true the real strength comes from the will of the people.    


But; some vulgar men have drifted afar: they have shut their eyes and earsThe vulgar men no longer care about others. These men have forgotten what it means to dream, they’ve forgotten their mother, father, neighbor, and lover too. Forgotten about the soft rain of spring, of young love, of young children running barefoot on the grass on a lazy summer afternoon.  


The sages of old foretold of the vulgar men with worldly power men who are always seeking war.   


War --

Putin: The oligarch of the day mingles with others of like mind. He ignores the plight of the people. This oligarch is a vulgar man, a man of extremes and fanaticism. He’s a misfit who menaces the life and liberty of others. He lives in opulence and luxury and dines on rich food that’s served on expense plates. Drought and famine surround him, while children die of hunger and thirst.  He ignores facts, ignores the long drought, the famine.        


This oligarch lives for war. He made the final decision and called his warlords to meet him in his office. “I’ve made my decision. You will assemble your fighters... The invasion will commence tomorrow at dawn.” “But why? Someone asked. The oligarch glared at the man who dared to question his Decision.  


“They are a threat, that's all you need to know,” he said. “The next man who questions me will become my new Janitor.” Without another word, the Oligarch left the room. In silence the warlords looked at each other, there was nothing to be said. They had their orders and orders were orders. They left the office to carry them out.  


Ukraine: Zelenskyy - The leader of a small country hurriedly put disaster plans in place. They had no time to delay putting a plan into actionThey lacked so much. Hours later the Leaders faced the camera... Finally, someone stepped to the microphone.   He had prepared a statement, but the words stuck in his throat. After some time, he said, “The oligarch has sent news … war comes.”  


With those words, millions of people began the process of fleeing the city. Where would they be safe? Would they have time to get to safety? But millions stayed... they had to stay and fight. They had to defend their family, their lives, their livelihood, and their country.   


Compassion - Love Kindness

The world, if showered with compassion and wrapped in a blanket of love and kindness could be a beautiful place for everyone. Instead, while sirens blared and rockets exploded, this small country quickly trained citizen volunteer soldiers. Men, women, and young men – if old enough were quickly trained. Soon these newly minted citizen soldiers were lying beside older, well-trained soldiers.   


The new people wisely listened to the older soldiers. The lives of everyone depend on their remembering the lessons.  The old soldier hoped the new ones would be quick learners. Failure to learn meant injury or – death. Nervously holding on to their arms, they kept grumbling to themselves.  Now they are part of the defense against the raiders.  Ready to defend their homeland, their lives, their families, and their homes.  It's cold, but they’re clad in warm clothes. But each has a reason - a purpose now. They lived to fight for their family – home – their way of life. They have a country to defend.   


Local people plead for help. They are angry, bewildered, frightenedSiren's blare; an attack is imminent. Tanks rumble, rockets fall -- People have no time to grieve or mourn.   


There are cold days and dark days. fearful days. Days of black smoke. Sunny days. Destructive days, rainy days. Sad daysNoisy nights; dreadful nights. Lonely nights. Sleepless nights.  


The invaders push deeper into the zone. Another attack is imminent. There will be more brutal street fighting. Danger hides in unexpected places. Everywhere there are signs of death and destruction... 

So many frightful sights; grisly sights: hideous sights. Days and nights of absolute turmoil. Utter devastation. Children crying, Mothers crying. Fathers crying.  


Many people are praying. Others are cursing. So many broken windows; broken bones. Shattered dreams. Shattered lives: An angry young man wearing black pants and jacket, tugs at the arm of a young boy. A frightened woman wearing tight black jeans and a pink hat hugs a child. A shoeless youngster wanders the streets. “I want to go home.” A woman holding a rifle asked him. “Where is home?” “The young boy pointed: “It was there...”   


Some people are sitting – staring at nothing - their expression blank - This war is a threat to other nationsThe Oligarch's war has redrawn the map. The Oligarch plans a bloody and brutal war.  


Street fighting has begun, but during the lulls in fighting protesters come out into the streets. Many with homemade signs pleading for help. Other signs tell the oligarch to stop the madnessThe oligarchs ignore the signs, they stick to their agenda.   


Subways became bomb shelters – they became lost and found centers; a place to pray, to cry, to rant and rave, a place where babies are born, a triage center. A place where people die; a place for bodies.  


Raids and explosions are constant; fear, anger, grief, sorrow, and confusion are always present:  Then one afternoon a raider sees the subway and recognizes it for what it is. He finds his group leader to report his discovery. The leader forwards the information. Hours later the subway is rubble. A series of bombs turned it into a large burial chamber.   


Lasting peace will not be found by dropping bombs, or by terrorizing others. Lasting peace will not be established through endless peace treaties. Peace treaties are often broken. Peace treaties do not uncover the real reasons for war.  


Real strength lies with the integrity of the people: The world needs acts of kindness, forgiving thoughts; and hope if we are to move mankind closer to the realization of world peaceWe need many individuals to draw us closer to the moment when the human family sets the world aglow in a light-filled expression of love and peace.  


Otherwise, we will be left with the cruel man who is willing to use his will – his religion, his prejudice, and his wealth that destroy the rights, liberties, and freedoms of those people they disapprove of or object to.  


Tin Gods:

The little tin gods, seek their own devices. They are intolerant people who won’t change their minds, but they surround themselves with like-minded people who feed their egos 


The tin god systems workers deny people of their right to exist. They will deny adequate housing; and health care. They create stumbling blocks to prevent people from voting. It was the tin gods who dominated systems that treated women as chattel as property. In the past, the tin gods denied women the right to vote and took away their reproductive rights. Tin gods decided that doctors were to remain silent about ways for a woman to prevent pregnancy.  

Bookmarks Created by
Rachel Wolff - Paper artist...
Rainbow Road Studios